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Jan 27, 2016

As Ready as We're Gonna Be - The Nursery is Finished

Yesterday, with two days to spare before her due date, I finally finished the nursery. We started kind of getting some ducks in a row for the nursery around this time last year after I found my color inspiration on Pinterest (below). I really loved the navy wall but really wanted a coral crib to put against it.

The Animal Print Shop Nursery Project
We had received a hand-me-down crib from one of our generous neighbors and were really excited to repaint it BUT, we effed up somewhere and ended up kind of ruining it... so, we went to IKEA and I was newly inspired by the kind of retro yet kind of modern SNIGLAR crib. We bought it, and Jamie put it together, and there it sat in our messy office/nursery-to-be for about another 10 months.

Then I spent months trying to find a changing table I liked. Most everything in my price range was dark, glossy wood which was not at all my style. Finally, after months of searching, I found the homie below on Craigslist for 50 bucks. It was then that I decided I'd pop my chalk paint cherry and get my DIY on. 

I don't know what brand furniture that is... & Renaissance Chalk Paint in Aegean Coral

Fast forward through digging out the office, finally painting the wall with the paint we purchased last spring, we finally have a nursery! I'm no interior designer, so I'm not even sure what words to use to describe the look I ended up with, but I'm happy with it. I like the mix of the geometric pieces like the mobile and the lamp with the more retro-inspired glider and changing table. 

Now we must impatiently wait for baby's arrival! (Yes, her name is plastered all over the nursery, but no, I'm not "announcing" it yet on the internet... though everyone pretty much already knows her name.) She'll be here any day now. Birthmother will be 40 weeks tomorrow. I'm taking her in for an ultrasound so that the doc can decide whether to continue waiting, induce, or if Baby is massive, schedule a c-section. I'm looking forward to seeing her on the screen again!

If ya wanna know where we got this stuff: (none of these are affiliate links-- I'm not that savvy)

Changing Dresser: Craiglist
Renaissance Chalk Paint: Amazon
Wall Paint: Glidden America's Cup Navy
Brightech Bijou Tripod Lamp: Amazon
Mobile: Lavender Kay Design - Etsy
Coral Frames: BYARUM - IKEA (painted with chalk paint!)
Some Things Take Time print: Congo Studio - Etsy
Hands Charcoal Drawing: My talented husband in high school art class
Little Castle Savvy Glider & Ottoman: Buy Buy Baby (not available online ANYWHERE that I can find)
Shaggy Rug: AmazonFaux Fur: Homegoods
Glider Pillow: Homegoods

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