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Aug 14, 2012

We're Familial

I got home from our impromptu cast pool party at about 12:40 am lugging my over-stuffed purse to the dining room table. I unloaded it's contents: my makeup bag, wet bathing suit, roses, trinkets and cards. I look over it all one more time before finally heading to bed, smiling. Those of you who have been a part of any type of theatrical production will probably relate to the sense of love and family that I brought home with me after closing night.

As with most productions, the cast spends the majority of six or seven weeks seeing, interacting and working with each other on an increasingly regular basis. In this case, the cast was very small and the show was so good, that we couldn't help but to love and support one another. This feeling of family was amplified on opening night after curtain call with a standing ovation. Adrenaline pumping, we rush off stage with wide smiles and and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. We exchange hugs and compliment each other mercilessly. Through the end of the run, our bonds grow stronger with both line flubs and brilliant scene successes.

It all sounds ridiculously corny... cheesy... mushy, I know, but it's honest. The rush of performing is only half of why I love to do theater. All of this, the new or improved friendships, the support and encouragement, the stories, the jokes, the accomplishments and the familial environment make up the other half of what draws me to it.

This show and cast are up in my top favorites ever and I'm lucky to be able to see a majority of these people very soon for our next production. I'm so grateful and appreciative of each and every one of them for what they've contributed to the show to make it one of the best experiences in my limited community theater career.

Thank you all!

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